“Slimming” is no longer a diet-exclusive term….

While I may be a few years behind the real teen trends (being an old lady and all), I was horrified to read a report in a German newspaper about a topic I’d never heard of previously, called ‘slimming.’ For most readers of this blog, slimming typically refers to those things (diet, exercise and medications) that help us reduce the amount of body fat we carry. Sadly, this term has also been attached to the practice of getting intoxicated by inserting vodka-soaked tampons into the vagina or anus (males).

Eeeewwww….ick!  And secondly…… WHAT????!!

Clearly there will be some who read this blog and think, “geez, that is a pretty creative way to consume alcohol–especially if you are underaged.” Then, there will be the remainder, like myself, who will stare mouth agape at the computer screen in disbelief–unable to intellectually grasp the fact that any human being would be willing (and interested) in placing an alcohol-laced tampon into their vagina (or in males, their anus) just to get ‘drunk.’

I realize I shouldn’t be surprised that younger generations are still attempting to find ways to consume alcohol when they aren’t yet legal to do so, but this concept really put me over the edge. For starters, just the idea of it. Second, the immense medical/physical damage it can do/could lead to for anyone considering this method.

Alcohol will most certainly dry, crack and burn whatever it comes in contact with, but what is yet unknown is aside from the initial affects, what could this do to a woman’s ability to have children in later years? Add in a lovely dose of infection and damage to vaginal walls, and the result is certainly a concoction for serious problems.

The main reason teens have opted to leverage this practice, which originated in the United States and has since grown in popularity in European countries, is to attempt to hide the smell of alcohol consumption, while still gaining the ‘high’ received from consuming it. The reality is that it is impossible to ‘hide’ the effects of alcohol consumption and most warn that even if Facebook pages or other Internet sites suggest you can, they are not accurate, and certainly are not truthful.

So, for any young women (or men) out there that think this may be a good idea, please THINK again and avoid placing anything soaked in alcohol in your private parts.  Keep the super absorbancy tampons in the bathroom and out of your genitalia…..please!

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